As a business owner in the telecommunications industry I often get asked my thoughts on the future of business telecommunications – what are we going to see next and what does it mean for my business.

For many of my clients I tell them the future is already here – embrace technology and be prepared to go with the flow. Just be prepared and have a Plan B in case something goes wrong. You may already have access to some of these tools without even realising it. 

With this article we wanted to share with you five key areas for growth we see in 2021 and beyond. These things aren’t necessarily new but adoption will grow. These productivity gains are needed to help dig Australia, and the world, out of recession. 

Remote Teams – You might have missed it but we had a global pandemic in 2020. Across the globe, employees spent all or part of 2020 working from home. Many workplaces have now realised that staff are still productive when working from home – often more so. Telecommunications technology has facilitated this remote work – with high speed internet, VoIP and mobile smart phones empowering teams. Video Conferencing technology like Zoom has helped facilitate teamwork and collaboration. 

5G & Mobility – 5G data doesn’t just mean faster downloads. It means more devices connected to networks remotely. 5G networks are rolling out across Australia as we speak.

IoT – IoT (internet of things) is also a game changer, and this ties in with 5G data rollout as mentioned above. IoT basically means devices connected to the internet that are not your phone or computer – think your Google Home speaker etc. At the other end of the spectrum you have any number of industries that have sensors that collect data. If these become internet connected devices this data can be collected remotely. 

Security – Remote teams and IoT see more devices connected to networks. More connected networks mean more possibilities for security breaches and security failure. For this reason we see increased uptake in security software as well as education and awareness for security vulnerabilities

The Cloud – Remote teams have forced organizations to embrace the cloud. This includes cloud computing enabled by high speed internet but also cloud telecommunications. Cloud Phone Systems replicate features of the traditional office phone system – call hold, call transfer etc – but these features can be utilised by remote teams. You can answer a call in one country and transfer it across the world as easily as you could if both people were in the same office and sitting a desk away from each other. 

Your business telecommunications solution is one of your businesses most important assets and also one of your most important productivity tools. The right network and the right tools empower your teams to be their most productive and give you the best chance of success. Just make sure you also have the right security and backups in place to protect yourself in case something goes wrong. If you want to discuss your current solution and future needs, please get in touch today.