When we first meet with a prospective customer we have some questions we generally like to ask. Here are a sample of some of them:

  • Tell us about your company?
  • What problems are you trying to solve?
  • Why has solving this problem become a priority today?
  • What other solutions have you looked at?
  • What is the timeline for implementation?
  • What does success look like for you?

These are generally part of a telecommunications audit. Telecommunications audits are designed to assess the following – plans, usage, call volume, contracts and phone system structure. We complete audits in order to assess opportunities for business process improvement but also cost-reduction

The three main things assessed are generally phone plans, number of phone lines and also phone system features and equipment. It’s amazing how often you see businesses with lines that are redundant – lines that are not used so businesses spend money monthly on line rental costs that they don’t need to.

An example of an audit we’ve conducted for a customer is a customer in the Real Estate industry. In assessing their plans and interviewing staff, we were able to come up with a telecommunications solution that improved call management and reduced their costs buy thousands of dollars – an estimated $20000 in the first year.

If you’d like to get in touch and have a chat about your needs, please get in touch today.